Small Small Story

The idea for Small Small came about during my trip to Africa in 2012. Despite being in some of the most food insecure countries in the world, the region maintains a vibrant cuisine that can’t be found anywhere else. With this in mind, I set out to create a new kind of social enterprise bringing delicious products sourced from the developing world to socially conscious, adventurous eaters in the US.  Furthermore, a portion of each sale is donated to an organization that teaches modern agriculture in the source region.

The name “Small Small” resulted from the same trip to Liberia, where locals have an idiom of instead of saying “a little” they say “small small.” For instance, instead of saying, “use a little sauce” they will say, “use the sauce small small.” The phrase conveys the concept that everyone is making a small change with each purchase.

Initial Small Small products include an Ethiopian hot sauce inspired by the most popular sauce in Ethiopia – awaze. The second product is Small Small Berbere spice sourced directly from Ethiopia and is used in nearly every Ethiopian dish. I am committed to ensuring that all products are vegan and gluten free.

Small Small was part of the Washington, DC Founder’s Institute fall 2012 class and is a certified benefit corporation (the first benefit corp ever in the Founder’s Institute).

To purchase our first batch, please go through our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo –

Thank you!

Small Small Berbere Spice

Small Small Berbere

Sourced directly from Ethiopia, this spice blend includes red chili, ginger, coriander, salt, cardamon seeds, fenugreek seeds, black pepper, cinnamon, tumeric and garlic

High quality Ethiopian dry spice blend with a distinct and flavorful taste that can be used in a versatile manner. It is the most common spice used in Ethiopia and has huge market potential in the United States.  Sold in metal tins, uses include…

  • Flavoring for meat, fish, and veggies prepared Ethiopian style
  • Mixed with butter for a spicy smear
  • Sprinkled on cheese for a savory, spicy snack
  • Creating homemade awaze sauce

To purchase go here and click “Buy Now.”

Thank you!

Spice it up and meaningfully give back.

Spice it up and meaningfully give back.

Small Small Red Pepper Sauce

Signature Small Small Product.  Flavorful and Spicy.

Flavorful and Spicy.

Signature product inspired by Ethiopian awaze, Small Small Red Pepper Sauce is made with the freshest ingredients including the highest quality berbere spice blend sourced directly from Ethiopia. This hot sauce can be used to…

  • Marinate meat, fish, and veggies
  • Spread on sandwiches
  • Mix with rice for a flavorful heat
  • Flavor meals as a delicious condiment
  • Cook any Ethiopian recipe calling for awaze

To purchase go here and click “buy now.”

Thank you!